Engage your students in the world of glass. Niesenglass offer tailored education experiences which explore the material of glass in an exciting, informative and safe way.

We can design your experience based on your current classroom projects or design briefs you have set your students.

Glass is a unique craft and our workshop are relevant to those studying and teaching in the areas of design, fine art, craft, and the STEAM subjects.

Contact us to find out more and work with us to design an unforgettable workshop for your students.

Recycling,  melting, blowing, slowing:

Workshop for Studio Tom Emerson seminar week at ETH, Zurich

Architecture students experienced hot glass for the first time. They were challenged to create piece that played with light and shadow. Working outdoors the students responded to their environment and used the garden to create moulds for their forms. They were able to be very hands on and assist with the production of their designs.

Glass Light:

Workshop for ECAL University, Lausanne

Design students at ECAL took part in an experimental mould making workshop. The aim of the workshop was to create a glass light. Students were introduced to the idea of mould making, spent time creating their moulds and then Niesenglass visited with the mobile furnace to realise their prototypes.

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